The Speed Bag Bible Training Program by Alan Kahn ISBN: 0964182769

The only comprehensive training program completed dedicated to speed bag training. Most of the training information on this site can be found inside, as well as much more. It started as a book, and has since expanded to supportive video programs. This is the origin of Bible Style Bagging.

First published in 1995, This book explains the basic equipment and uncovers all the secrets of how the Speed Bag works. Topics include: Equipment, movements, bag rhythms, the difference between techniques and combinations, and individually identifies 24 punching & elbow striking techniques from the front, side and back of the bag. It clearly develops how these techniques can be joined to create hundreds of different combinations. Special chapters are also included for martial arts techniques, hitting to music and advanced punching combinations.  It is THE source for Speed Bag information.

Sample Pages below

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The Speed Bag Bible is also available in all digital epub formats. -Kindle or paperback

Apple Books

Barnes & Noble-Nook

Get a paperback copy from our online store

The Speed Bag Bible Video Training Program

There are several Video Training programs,

A Single 2-hr Comprehensive DVD

Topics include: Equipment, swing movements, bag rhythms and 24 punching & elbow striking techniques from the front, side and back of the bag. Each technique is demonstrated with several practice combinations. Several slow motion sequences are included, complete with voice over explanations and different camera angles to maximize your visual understanding.

This DVD is available through various sources:

Our online store :

Ebay Auction

Four DVD series.

The four DVD series was created for those who want the most detailed and expanded explanations. It is almost 8 hours of in-depth training tips, sample combinations and slow-motion. There is also more time devoted to each content area as described below.

DVD-1  Equipment & 7 Basic Punching techniques. (4-front 3-reverse)
DVD-2  Review, Elbow Striking Techniques ( 12 techniques)
DVD-3 Review,  Side Punching Techniques   ( 6 techniques)
DVD-4 Review, Advanced Punching Combinations. (info not in single DVD)

One main difference between the single DVD and 4-DVD set is more samples of combinations, more slow segments and the “advanced combinations” information on DVD-4, which is not on the single DVD version due to time.

New 4-DVD holding Case!

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There is also a “Specialty Video” available

Rhythm & Rehab

This is a 2-hour video dedicated to teaching how the speed bag can be used for rehabilitation and as a home fitness activity for those with physical challenges. It covers equipment, the most basic punching and elbow striking techniques, How to learn them and how to set up a personal and targeted rehab or fitness program for your own individual needs. It is also captioned for those with hearing impairment.  Much of the information is related to The Speed Bag Bible, but it is taught at a much different level. The speed bag can adapt to everyone, of any level physical capacity – and this video will show you how. It is aimed at both Therapists who might want to consider adding a speed bag to their treatment facility, as well as individuals who may be looking for a simple and safe home fitness activity.  

Rhythm & Rehab DVD

This DVD is available via contacting this website

To purchase the Any of the above items, go to the STORE

Another product that is highly recommended for speed bag viewing is

The ART Of The Bag: A Speed Bag Story

Starting with the invention of the punching ball or speed bag in the late 1800’s, ‘Art of the Bag’ follows its evolution through the years.  From the days of ‘Fancy Punching’, vaudeville acts and boxing gyms, the speed bag hasn’t changed much in its design but remains to this day as one of the best methods for developing speed, timing and eye-hand coordination.

Hear the story of Alan Kahn’s (author of The Speed Bag Bible) life-long mission to create the language or notation that has become the standard for learning the many techniques and combinations of modern bag punching.  Learn about the speed bag culture that covers the globe through interviews and demonstrations by some of the most talented bag punchers and punchdrummers in the world today.

Meet people from all walks of life who share the addiction to this activity and actively promote it not only for its health benefits, but for the sheer enjoyment.  Doctors, lawyers, personal trainers, laborers, mathematicians, musicians, business owners; they all share a passion for the art of the bag.

See this video teaser

For questions on these products, you can also Contact

We now have a sister site featuring Speed Bag Bible Apparel featuring all kinds of designs.,


Bible Style Bagging Born to Bag Catch you on the Rebound Lady Bagger

The Speed Bag Bible Keep punching I’d rather be Bagging Kids items

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